Surgery (Ambulatory surgery clinic/Day surgery)

Day surgery or ambulatory surgery means that your child will be safely discharged from the hospital and allowed to go home on the same day that they have a surgical or interventional procedure under general anesthesia. For some patients, day surgery is the point of entry to the hospital, even if the child is admitted to the hospital only after the procedure.

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Preparing for day surgery

If your child is undergoing a day surgery procedure, please sign in at the registration desk in room B-160. Make sure your child has a hospital card before you register.

 Your child will not be allowed to eat or drink anything from the night before the operation; you'll receive specific instructions about this before the day of the procedure. While your child is undergoing surgery, you can stay in the waiting area until one of the nurses lets you know that the surgery is finished and your child is in the recovery room.

You'll be able to leave the hospital once the doctor says your child is feeling well enough to go home.

Caring for your child before and after a day surgery

The links below have information and instructions on a number of day surgery procedures. This information will assist you in how to care for your child before and after a day surgery. There are also links to the departments and clinics at the MCH that perform day surgery procedures.

Welcome to Day Surgery at the Montreal Children's Hospital

Download printable brochures:

Download printable postoperative instructions:

Refer a patient 

Room number : B 03.3103.1, Glen site
To make an appointment : 514-412-4458