Care at home after a circumcision

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  • Quiet activities today with close supervision.  
  • No bicycle, gym, rough play, or sports for 1-2 week, then gradual return to activities.


May go back to school after 3-5 days.



Sponge bath for the first 24 hrs, then begin tub baths, for 15 to 20 min., 2 or 3 times a day for one week.



  • If your child has a dressing, you might be asked to remove it at a certain time or it might come off by itself (for example, during the bath).  Apply Polysporin ointment to the penis after each bath.
  • Check for bleeding every 2 hours today and once during the night.
    If bleeding occurs, use gauze with Polysporin to apply gentle pressure on the penis for 3 to 5 minutes. If not effective, bring your child to the hospital.
  • Minimal oozing (spotting of blood) is normal. The area will be swollen for several days and yellowish membranes may cover the tip of the penis. This will gradually improve in 2-3 weeks.


For pain, give Acetaminophen (Tylenol or Tempra) every 4 hours as needed.



  • Give water, apple juice, popsicle, flat Ginger ale or Jell-O for one to two  hours.
  • If tolerated, proceed with a soft diet such as soup, yogourt, ice cream and cereal.
  • Tomorrow, he may be given a normal diet.
Parents please note

Parents please note

If you are concerned, please call the Montreal Children’s Hospital at 514-412-4400 and ask for the physician on call, or come to the emergency room of the  hospital.

Revised 2009
Thao Le, N. & Julie Drolet, N. - Preoperative Assessment Clinic
Post-anesthesia Care Unit
7C Surgical Unit