Teens and depression

How to cope with an aching teen

Children and Anxiety
Some types of anxiety are normal in childhood, such as anxiety in the presence of a stranger; separation anxiety, which occurs between 18 months and 3 years of age; fear of monsters, which appears around 4 to 6 years; and phobias (irrational fears of objects or situations), which are common and disappear on their own.

Anorexia and Bulimia
Parents have an important role to play in the physical and psychological development of their child. It’s important to have information on eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.

Kids' Depression
Depression in the young can be difficult to diagnose. Here are some cues, if you think your child is depressed.

Carefree Youth? Kids Get Stress, Too
Kids have it made, right? They go to school, play for hours and their parents take care of most of their needs. How much stress could children possibly feel? Surprisingly, plenty.

Help Teens Triumph Over Depression
Teens are beset by feelings they don't understand. They feel rejection from peers, pressure from authority and doubts from within. Add triggers that might seem trivial to adults -- a breakup with a girlfriend, a low test score, failing to make the team -- and it's little wonder up to one in eight teens suffers clinical depression.

How to Stay Connected With Your Kids
Your youngster has grown quiet and distant, and you're worried he or she might be stressed or unhappy. Even if you haven't talked in a while, "it's never too late for a parent to approach a child or teenager and try to open the door to an honest exchange."

Teen Suicide: Learning to Recognize the Warning Signs
Research shows that eight of 10 teens who attempt suicide have given clear warnings of their intentions.