Brain, Development and Behaviour

Brain, Development and Behaviour (BDB) is an integrated clinical network providing assessment and consultative services for children 0-17 years old with complex developmental disabilities requiring a multidisciplinary approach, including but not exhaustively:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Global Developmental Delay
  • Early Developmental Impairment
  • ADHD
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder and other neurodevelopmental conditions
  • Gender Variance

We bring together healthcare professionals from the departments of Pediatrics (Developmental Pediatrics, Child Neurology and Neonatology), Genetics and Psychiatry as well as Allied Health Services (Psychology, Audiology, Speech and Language Pathology, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy to provide individualized multidisciplinary care to children with developmental delays.

The BDB clinical network includes three multidisciplinary clinics:

  • BDB 0 - 7 Clinic  for children 0-7 years old
  • BDB 7 - 17 Clinic for children 7-17 years old
  • Gender Variance Clinic for children ages 8-17

Patients referred to the BDB Clinics are oriented to the appropriate services via a systematic triage process through our BDB Centralized Intake Office.

For more information on how to refer a patient, click on the tab below.


Clinic for children 0 - 7 years old

The BDB 0-7 Clinic provides assessment  services for children 0-7 years old with complex developmental disabilities requiring a multidisciplinary approach, including but not exhaustively

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Global Developmental Delay
  • Early Developmental Impairment
  • ADHD, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder and other neurodevelopmental conditions.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Children 0-7 years old presenting with symptoms of an Autism Spectrum Disorder who have not already been assessed in the public sector;
  • Children 0-7 years old presenting with moderate to severe developmental delays in more than one area;
  • Children 5-7 years old presenting with developmental coordination difficulties;


Not Eligible:

  • Children residing off the Island of Montreal who are not already followed for associated medical conditions at the MCH; Note: If your patient resides outside Montreal, please refer to your CIUSSS/CISSS for services in your region.
  • Children previously assessed and receiving services for their impairment(s) in a rehabilitation centre or specialized school;

Patients referred to the BDB Clinics are oriented to the appropriate services via a systematic triage process through our BDB Centralized Intake Office.


Clinic for children 7 - 17 years old

The BDB 7-17 Clinic provides assessment and consultative services for children 7-17 years old with complex developmental disabilities requiring a multidisciplinary approach, including but not exhaustively Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Developmental Coordination Disorder and other neurodevelopmental conditions.

 Eligibility Criteria:

  • Children 7-17 years old presenting with symptoms of an Autism Spectrum Disorder who have not already been assessed in the public sector;
  • School-aged children presenting with complex, treatment-resistant ADHD;
  • Children presenting with developmental coordination difficulties;


Not Eligible:

  • Children residing off the Island of Montreal who are not already followed for associated medical conditions at the MCH; Note: If your patient resides outside Montreal, please refer to your CIUSSS/CISSS for services in your region.
  • Children previously assessed and receiving services for their impairment(s) in a rehabilitation centre or specialized school;

Patients referred to the BDB Clinics are oriented to the appropriate services via a systematic triage process through our BDB Centralized Intake Office.


To Refer a Patient

Brain, Development and Behaviour (BDB) is an integrated clinical network providing assessment and consultative services for children with complex developmental disabilities. In order to correctly and expeditiously orient these children to the appropriate services within the hospital, all referrals from community physicians for developmental concerns are received and systematically triaged by our BDB Centralized Intake team.

To Make a Referral

The BDB Centralized Intake Referral Form is required for all developmental requests. Click here for the form.

For the Gender Variance Clinic referral form, click here.

Please also include any other information that you believe is important for our review (professional evaluation reports, observation notes, etc.).  In order to efficiently process the referral, please ensure all relevant fields are completed to avoid unnecessary delays.

Note: For school-aged children a psychology report completed within the last two years is required.

Please send the requested documents to us either by:

Fax:    (514) 412-4136
Email:  [email protected]
Questions? Please call 514-412-4496


Refer a patient 

Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants