Conditions and illnesses


A sliver is a foreign object that has become embedded in the skin. Here's how to treat this type of injury.


Choking occurs when food or a small object blocks the airway. If the airway is completely blocked, oxygen can't reach the lungs, and brain damage or death can result. This is an extreme medical emergency. Knowing what to do can help save your baby's life. Read more...


What is the value of a colouring kit for your child on his/her way to the hospital in an ambulance? Distraction techniques are very effective. This is common knowledge in many pediatric hospitals. Distraction is often used with children who need to go through a painful and stressful procedure. Read on to learn more...

Conditions and illnesses

Constipation is very common in children. It is not a disease and it can be treated. But the longer constipation goes unrecognized the less successful treatment is. Complications can also arise.


Sprains are stretched or torn ligaments. A strain is also known as a pulled muscle or muscle tear. Read more to learn how to prevent these types of injuries


A child’s bones heal in the same way an adult’s bones do. But since a child’s bones are still growing, there are a few special concerns. Read more...


Here are a few safety tips about car seats according to the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) and other useful information


When I learned to drive, it meant I could go places without having to depend on my parents to get me there, says Sarah Spool, 19, of Worcester, Mass., a licensed driver for two years. Read more...


Your child is getting older, he can come back from school by himself now. But, is he street smart? Read more...


The best way to treat a burn is prevention.
