Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

Read more to learn about caring for your child at home following an otoplasty.

Conditions and illnesses

Read more to learn how to care for you child at home following strabismus surgery.

Conditions and illnesses
Your child does not speak fluently. You have heard him stutter. Your child seems to speak too quickly and has lots to say. When he talks, you hear him repeating some phrases, words or syllables several times or blocking on a sound or adding some “fillers”.

  • I have, I have, I have a new game.
  • I, I, I want . . .
  • Mmmmommy, ...
  • Uh, uh, um, I was...
Conditions and illnesses

Tips to stimulate your child's learning.

Conditions and illnesses

You have questions on Swine Flu? Here are some answers and information sources.

Conditions and illnesses

Is your child preparing for a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy?

Here are some guidelines and answers to your questions.

Conditions and illnesses

Summer virtually arrives overnight in Montreal. One minute we’re shovelling the snow from our driveways, the next we are digging through our summer wardrobes. Unfortunately too few of us reach for the summer essentials—a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. According to countless sun awareness campaigns, these three items are the key to reducing your risk of melanoma--the most deadly form of skin cancer.


Traumatic brain injuries continue to be an important cause of death and disability among children and teens. Wearing a helmet can help avoid fatal injuries.

Conditions and illnesses

At what age should your child make noises, say words, point things? When should you worry?

Conditions and illnesses

The present document was created by members of the department of Speech-Language Pathology at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Its purpose is to provide medical staff with concise, accurate information about speech and language delays or disorders: definitions, possible consequences, and precise indicators of when to refer.
