Here’s to a Happy Healthy New Year!

Like any new year, the most important thing on everyone’s list is good health. After all, without it, success, happiness and a full life can’t be truly appreciated. With that in mind, here’s some valuable advice to help your family make the best of what the New Year has to offer.

Get moving!

The benefits of physical activity can’t be denied. Exercise raises your energy level, helps you maintain a healthy weight, lowers stress, strengthens heart and lungs, helps prevent illnesses and can improve your mood. For children, physical activity is important for their growth and development. Encourage your child to play outdoors – and play with them whenever possible. You’ll see it’s good for you too!

A good place to start is with the Health Canada Physical Activity Guides for Children, Youth, Adults and Older Adults. 

Kick the habit

The dangers related to smoking are well known. If you smoke, your child is exposed to the toxic and cancerous agents in second-hand smoke. According to Health Canada second-hand smoke contributes to more than 1,000 deaths every year among non-smokers who have contracted lung cancer or cardiac diseases. Don’t forget that you are a role model to your child, and it’s easier to tell them not to do something when you follow the same rules.

There are many resources to help you quit smoking. For example, The Montreal Children’s Hospital offers a Smoking Cessation Motivation Program to all patients and their parents. To find out more contact us:

Smoking Cessation Program Coordinator:
Sharon Taylor
Phone: 514-412-4400 Ext 23061

Healthy eating is good for you

Healthy and balanced eating habits don’t have to be boring. Make sure your menu includes lots of fruits and vegetables, dairy products and cereals. Avoid prepared foods since they often contain too much sugar and fat. Discover the pleasure of home cooking, and make it a family activity whenever possible. It’s a fun and productive way to spend time together!

For ideas on how to build healthy menus, see Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating.

Safety In and Around the House

It only takes a split second for a preventable injury to occur. Common sense, supervision, being aware of risks, and prevention are the keys to keeping your children safe.

Consult our Health Info advice on child safety:

Practical advice for keeping your children safe

Have fun – Stay safe: tips for Safe Fall and Winter Fun

Have fun - Stay safe: tips for Safe Spring and Summer Fun