Lead in tap water: Specific recommendations for infants and children under six

Even though drinking water distributed through municipal water systems on the island of Montreal is of good quality, new data shows that in some buildings with fewer than 8 units (built prior to 1970 and linked to the municipal aqueduct system through a lead service connection), the tap water may exceed the standard of 0.01 milligrams of lead per liter.

The Montreal Public Health Department considers the risks to residents' health in these homes to be low. Still it recommends that pregnant women and parents of toddlers and children under 6 years of age use a certified filter attached to the tap, a pitcher water with a certified filtration system or drink bottled water.

Knowing that infants are more vulnerable to the toxic effects of lead, this precaution is particularly important.

Use of tap water for personal hygiene, laundry or dishwashing is not dangerous.