Biblio Express: Books to go!

An exciting new literacy project is under way at the Montreal Children’s Hospital that will provide books directly to children who are spending time in the hospital.

This mini mobile library is called Biblio Express, but unlike a normal lending library the children will be allowed to keep the books. The project is being initiated by the Family Resource Library at the MCH with support from librarian Lynn Kiraly-Batist. So far, the library has received many donations of new books and more donations are expected in the future.

The Biblio Express cart will make its rounds thanks to Eta Markowicz and Jeanne Ragbir, two retired children’s librarians who volunteer at the MCH. Every Thursday starting April 16, they will bring books to children in numerous locations around the MCH including 6C1, 6C2, 7C1, 8D, and the Technology Dependent, Clinical Investigation and Short Stay Units.

The Biblio Express cart will be restocked on a weekly basis and books will be organized by language, age and reading level, and fiction and non-fiction. The volunteer librarians will also be responsible for the book selection, looking at what’s appropriate for hospitalized children.

One of the project’s main goals is to make contact with children and parents in a way that is non-medical in nature, something that can help normalize the hospital visit. The librarians will also take the opportunity to let families know that the Family Resource Library is open seven days a week for their use.