

Pedestrians, motorists, passengers and cyclists must know and respect all safety rules of the road. We share the road and we share the responsibility of ensuring everyone’s safety. Municipalities and the police also play a role in ensuring a safe environment. Read on to learn about more road safety.


If you have sustained an injury, we recommend you follow this action plan before you put your team jersey back on. Remember, you should only consider returning to contact and team sports once your symptoms have completely disappeared. Read more...


Most unintentional childhood poisoning occurs in the home. Children are very curious by nature so all poisonous products should be kept out of reach of your child. Here are a few important prevention tips.


Every year, in Quebec, hundreds of children are unintentionally poisonned. If you suspect your child has ingested any poisonous product, contact the Quebec poison control centre immediately 1-800-463-5060. Bring your child to a pediatric trauma emergency room with a sample of what they drank or ate and when.


An estimated 28,500 children are treated in emergency departments and hospitals for playground-related injuries. Read more lo learn about safety in and around the playground.


Ice skating, skiing, snowboarding , snowmobiling and tobogganing are fun activities for a nice winter day. However, parents and children need to be aware of possible dangers associated with these winter activities.


The Emergency Department at the Montreal Children’s Hospital sees over 1,500 children and teens that have sustained injuries while playing organized sports, It's all great fun, fun but remember to always play safe.


Many people do not realize the potential hazards of power equipment such as lawnmowers.
