Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

Chances are your child will catch a cold or flu before spring arrives. Viruses in the air inspired our dossier on colds and cough, providing useful advice on how to fight colds and how to take care of your little sneezy one.

Conditions and illnesses

As most parents know, children can be emotional or strong-willed. But a child who has frequent temper tantrums and consistently refuses to follow requests may have a deeper problem.

Conditions and illnesses

For children with asthma, the cold and flu season can be especially difficult, since both colds and the flu can make asthma symptoms worse.

Conditions and illnesses

Dr. Harley Eisman, Director of The Montreal Children’s Hospital’s Emergency Department says parents can help ease kids’ anxieties and health concerns by establishing a routine, and monitoring their behaviour.

Conditions and illnesses

A common childhood viral infection, Fifth Disease mainly affects children, but can also be contracted by adults of all ages.

Conditions and illnesses

Resist the temptation to prescribe

Conditions and illnesses

An E. coli outbreak in Europe, allegedly caused by contaminated vegetables, has been making headlines around the world. Find out how you can protect yourself and your family from food borne illnesses.

Conditions and illnesses

From newborns up, assess sight at every well-child visit

Conditions and illnesses

Screen for cardiac disease before treatment

Conditions and illnesses

Today’s teenagers lead a very fast-paced lifestyle. Between school, extra-curricular activities, part-time jobs, socializing with friends and keeping up with Facebook, Twitter and the like, it’s no wonder they are exhausted in the morning.
