Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

For the approximately 10 to 15 percent of teenagers who live with chronic or complicated health conditions, the excitement of celebrating their 18th birthday might also be mixed with worries about making the transition to adult care.

Conditions and illnesses

Active Kids, Healthy Kids is a Canadian Paediatric Society program to help pediatricians, family physicians and other health professionals promote physical activity, nutrition, and other healthy choices.

Conditions and illnesses

By age six, your “chip off the old block” is indeed on the way to becoming a mini-block himself or herself. But six year olds are not miniature adults.

Conditions and illnesses

All those aunts and uncles who don’t see your little darling every day will often exclaim: “My, how you’ve grown!” But you should take that oft-repeated exclamation a step further and turn it into a key question: “How have you grown?”

Conditions and illnesses

Whether it involves setting the clocks an hour forward to welcome spring, or getting an extra hour of sleep to transition to the darker winter months, daylight savings time can impact your entire family’s routine.

Conditions and illnesses

Breastfeeding support is not only a health professional issue, it is a societal effort”, argues Sonia Semenic, Nurse Scientist at the McGill University Health Centre and co-principal investigator of a research project assessing breastfeeding policy guidelines in Quebec.

Conditions and illnesses

Man, it’s been a hot summer, and it’s not over yet. Even those glowing summer revellers who insist, “The hotter the better!” seem to be wilting in a puddle of perspiration, crankiness and lethargy.

Conditions and illnesses

The good, the bad and the ugly of social networking

Conditions and illnesses
Conditions and illnesses

Mealtimes with young, finicky eaters can be difficult, especially when they refuse to eat the foods in front of them.
