Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

The pediatrist said that you child has Undescended Testicle? What does he mean?

Conditions and illnesses

Have you ever noticed that your child’s voice is sometimes hoarse, not clear, or weak? Does your child even “lose” his or her voice on occasion?

Conditions and illnesses
Dr. Caroline Quach answers your questions
Conditions and illnesses

If your kids are spending more time swimming in a lake this summer, they may develop a minor skin infection or rash, more commonly known as “swimmer’s itch”.

Conditions and illnesses

Television has become a cultural phenomenon in the United States. In fact, next to the family, some experts believe that television can be the most influential medium to children. Even young infants and toddlers are becoming mesmerized by popular television shows marketed to their age group as "educational" programming. But are our babies really ready?

Conditions and illnesses
Although growing drug resistance can make getting rid of the head lice a real pain, it's not really cause for concern. That's because lice are not dangerous.
Conditions and illnesses
False. It’s a common misunderstanding that sugar causes diabetes. It doesn’t. The real cause has more to do with insulin—or more precisely, the lack of it.
