Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

Resist the temptation to prescribe

Conditions and illnesses

How to wade through the hazy lines

Conditions and illnesses

The heart is a large, hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood. How does it work?

Conditions and illnesses

The growth chart is a part of the physical exam in pediatrics and a powerful tool that can sensitively detect disease states.

Conditions and illnesses

Going to the grocery store can sometimes be a daunting experience, especially when you have growing kids to feed. How do you go about demystifying what’s inside those prepackaged foods?

Conditions and illnesses
The beginning of a new school year often coincides with the arrival of head lice in class rooms. There’s no need to panic if you know the facts.
Conditions and illnesses

How to keep your family from catching this highly contagious illness

Conditions and illnesses

It was bound to happen some day. Your teen has his first New Year’s Eve party. Stressed? You probably forget that you have been through it yourself and picture your teen with a beer in his hand and imagine the worst-case scenario.

Conditions and illnesses
Most kids, at one time or another in their childhood or adolescence, will need to take prescription medication to help treat symptoms of a condition or illness. As a parent, you’re the one who has to make sure that—as the old song goes—“the medicine goes down.”
Conditions and illnesses

It's after 5 p.m. and your child is entering the eighth hour of a fever, accompanied by a runny nose, clammy skin and a bucket-full of tears. As a parent you are naturally concerned and decide to seek medical advice. But where do you go - the local doctor, CLSC or hospital Emergency Room?
