Conditions and illnesses


If you have sustained an injury, we recommend you follow this action plan before you put your team jersey back on. Remember, you should only consider returning to contact and team sports once your symptoms have completely disappeared. Read more...


Pedestrians, motorists, passengers and cyclists must know and respect all safety rules of the road. We share the road and we share the responsibility of ensuring everyone’s safety. Municipalities and the police also play a role in ensuring a safe environment. Read on to learn about more road safety.


Farming is a way of life. Most injuries to young children living on farms occur when they are in the farm work area. Many of these injuries require hospitalization and some can even lead to death. Here are a few tips to keep your children safe.


Sprains are stretched or torn ligaments. A strain is also known as a pulled muscle or muscle tear. Read more to learn how to prevent these types of injuries


Teen drivers have the highest injury and fatality rates of any age group.
If you're the parent of a young driver, you can help protect your teenager by learning about the problem and taking steps to decrease your teenager’s risk of dying in a car crash.


Traumatic brain injuries continue to be an important cause of death and disability among children and teens. Wearing a helmet can help avoid fatal injuries.


SBIS previously referred to as "Shaken Baby Syndrome" (SBS) is an injury to the brain resulting from intentional head trauma which can occur when a baby is thrown, jogged, jerked, or shaken.
