Conditions and illnesses

Most ear emergencies result from some form of trauma. This trauma can be self-induced--a child's putting a foreign object in the ear-- or accidental--exposure to the blast from a firecracker or gun.
Having a child in the hospital with a burn injury can be a traumatic experience.

Here is all the information you will need to help you use crutches properly.


The best way to treat a burn is prevention.


A child’s bones heal in the same way an adult’s bones do. But since a child’s bones are still growing, there are a few special concerns. Read more...


Choking occurs when food or a small object blocks the airway. If the airway is completely blocked, oxygen can't reach the lungs, and brain damage or death can result. This is an extreme medical emergency. Knowing what to do can help save your baby's life. Read more...


A sliver is a foreign object that has become embedded in the skin. Here's how to treat this type of injury.


A finger or toe injured in a car door or jammed against a hard object is a common injury in children. If this happens to your child, he/she should be seen by a healthcare provider to assess the injury. Read more...
