

A button battery is the small lithium round battery found in watches, hearing aids, remote car starters, toys, musical books, LED flashlights and more. The batteries are shiny, round and enticing to young children who may stick them in their nose, ears or mouth. This is extremely dangerous. If the lithium battery is swallowed, it erodes and causes serious tissue damage. Immediate medical attention is vital.


Don’t forget to check the batteries in your home smoke detectors. 


The Emergency Department of the Montreal Children’s Hospital sees approximately 40 children each year with injuries related to the use of bunk beds. Read more to learn how to prevent bunk bed injury.


A broken jaw is medically known as a jaw fracture. Read on to learn more about this type of injury and its treatment.


A child’s bones heal in the same way an adult’s bones do. But since a child’s bones are still growing, there are a few special concerns. Read more...


Each year, the MCH Trauma Centre sees approximately 20 patients who sustained serious injuries while riding on ATVs. The injuries include: brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, dental and facial trauma, abdominal trauma, and multiple fractures. 


Choking, suffocation, and strangulation cause serious unintentional injuries. The majority of these injuries occur in the home environment. Parents can use the following tips to prevent these injuries from happening.
