Conditions and illnesses

Some safety hazards apply to all children. But many problems are especially dangerous for children at a particular age or stage of development.
Having a child in the hospital with a burn injury can be a traumatic experience.
It’s hard to imagine forgetting a child in the backseat of a car on a sunny, scorching 30 degree afternoon. But every year, there’s news of a child being left in a car, where the heat rose to dangerous, sweltering temperatures.Sadly, this tragic turn of events can happen to any parent or caregiver who has a temporary lapse of attention or disruption of a daily routine.

SBIS previously referred to as "Shaken Baby Syndrome" (SBS) is an injury to the brain resulting from intentional head trauma which can occur when a baby is thrown, jogged, jerked, or shaken.


Each year, the MCH Trauma Centre sees approximately 20 patients who sustained serious injuries while riding on ATVs. The injuries include: brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, dental and facial trauma, abdominal trauma, and multiple fractures. 


The discharge package following an ankle sprain is available on-line. You can download the PDF documents and print them, just click on the link to access the PDF files of the following documents.


Inflatable bouncers are terrific activity structures for children. They come in all shapes and sizes, from small ones in the backyard to gigantic ones seen in amusement parks and fairs.


Traumatic brain injuries continue to be an important cause of death and disability among children and teens. Wearing a helmet can help avoid fatal injuries.
