Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses
When your child isn’t well, it’s completely natural to look for solutions, answers and reassurance promptly. The Internet is often the go-to destination for finding that info.
Conditions and illnesses
It’s sometimes difficult to get to all your questions in just one visit, but there are a number of things you can do to make the most of the time you spend with your child’s doctor.
Conditions and illnesses
The beginning of a new school year often coincides with the arrival of head lice in class rooms. There’s no need to panic if you know the facts.
Conditions and illnesses

Talking about menstruation early is a good idea. Girls get their first period as early as eight years old and as late as 15, although the average is around 12.

Conditions and illnesses

Whether you can get outside or the weather keeps you in, here are some great aerobic activities to add to your family’s routine.

Conditions and illnesses

In order to make your holidays safer, more relaxing and more enjoyable, think about these ideas and safety concerns ahead of time.

Conditions and illnesses

If there’s one visitor nobody wants around during the holidays, it’s gastroenteritis a.k.a. ‘the stomach flu’.

Conditions and illnesses

When your children have set-backs and you hear the words “I’m an idiot”, or “I’m ugly, nobody likes me”, you probably worry about their self-esteem. What makes them say mean things about themselves, you wonder. They’re great kids, everyone should be able to see that, even them! However, most kids do struggle with feelings of inadequacy and must be helped towards a healthier self-image.

Conditions and illnesses

Here comes the Holiday season again. The days are getting shorter, and so are children’s attention spans. Their Holiday wish lists, on the other hand, are getting progressively longer by the day.

Conditions and illnesses

Flu shots can't cause the flu, but this is perhaps the most persistent of the myths about the flu vaccine.
