Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

When your children have set-backs and you hear the words “I’m an idiot”, or “I’m ugly, nobody likes me”, you probably worry about their self-esteem. What makes them say mean things about themselves, you wonder. They’re great kids, everyone should be able to see that, even them! However, most kids do struggle with feelings of inadequacy and must be helped towards a healthier self-image.

Conditions and illnesses

If there’s one visitor nobody wants around during the holidays, it’s gastroenteritis a.k.a. ‘the stomach flu’.

Conditions and illnesses

In order to make your holidays safer, more relaxing and more enjoyable, think about these ideas and safety concerns ahead of time.

Conditions and illnesses

Whether you can get outside or the weather keeps you in, here are some great aerobic activities to add to your family’s routine.

Conditions and illnesses

Talking about menstruation early is a good idea. Girls get their first period as early as eight years old and as late as 15, although the average is around 12.


Why Shaking a Baby Is So Dangerous


Toys are a source of fun and learning. The right toys can help children develop imagination and coordination. The wrong ones can do more harm than good. Read more...


Young children often put small objects, such as marbles, pins, or coins, in their mouth. These objects may then be swallowed. Although this can be frightening, it is not always cause for concern. Read more...


What is the value of a colouring kit for your child on his/her way to the hospital in an ambulance? Distraction techniques are very effective. This is common knowledge in many pediatric hospitals. Distraction is often used with children who need to go through a painful and stressful procedure. Read on to learn more...


When your child’s arm is pulled forcefully, the radial head may move slightly out of its ligament causing a pulled elbow. Here's how to prevent this type of injury.
