Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

Tips to stimulate your child's learning.

Conditions and illnesses

Develop a battle plan against the flu this year. Know what you will be up against, get the facts on prevention, learn tips for a quick recovery, and find out when it is appropriate to seek further medical attention.

Conditions and illnesses

Today’s teenagers lead a very fast-paced lifestyle. Between school, extra-curricular activities, part-time jobs, socializing with friends and keeping up with Facebook, Twitter and the like, it’s no wonder they are exhausted in the morning.

Conditions and illnesses

How much fighting and arguing is normal?

Conditions and illnesses

He's a big bearded man dressed in red and white for some and a way to keep the spirit of Christmas for others. Should we let our kids think he's real?

Conditions and illnesses

The Canadian Cancer Society designates September as Childhood Cancer Awareness month, a time to educate the public about pediatric cancers.

Conditions and illnesses
If you think about all the important things you do to ensure your child’s healthy development, does reading ever make it on to your list? It should.
Conditions and illnesses

When your children have set-backs and you hear the words “I’m an idiot”, or “I’m ugly, nobody likes me”, you probably worry about their self-esteem. What makes them say mean things about themselves, you wonder. They’re great kids, everyone should be able to see that, even them! However, most kids do struggle with feelings of inadequacy and must be helped towards a healthier self-image.

Conditions and illnesses

Annual seasonal-flu vaccinations will start on November 1. A new vaccine is administered each year based on the circulating strains of the virus during the winter. This year, the vaccine contains three strains of the flu virus: two type A strains and one type B. This seasonal-flu includes the influenza A(H1N1) strain, responsible for the pandemic occurend in 2009.

Conditions and illnesses

In order to make your holidays safer, more relaxing and more enjoyable, think about these ideas and safety concerns ahead of time.
