Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

Asthma sufferers may breathe easier thanks to a new treatment.

Conditions and illnesses

Heartburns are no fun. Here is what to do if your child suffers from it.

Conditions and illnesses

Germs, like virus and bacteria, cause infections. Many of the infections children experience are contagious, such as colds and diarrhea. In hospital, precautionary measures must be taken to limit the spread of infection from one person to another.

Conditions and illnesses

Serving up facts that can save your child's life

Conditions and illnesses

MCH specialists help children with asthma live normal lives

Conditions and illnesses

The books are bought; the shoes are shined; and the lunches are packed - your children are ready for school. Or are they? When was the last time their vision and hearing was checked?

Conditions and illnesses

MCH offers a helping hand on that road to wellness

Conditions and illnesses

It's after 5 p.m. and your child is entering the eighth hour of a fever, accompanied by a runny nose, clammy skin and a bucket-full of tears. As a parent you are naturally concerned and decide to seek medical advice. But where do you go - the local doctor, CLSC or hospital Emergency Room?

Conditions and illnesses

Scoliosis is a problem that makes the spine curve and twist from side to side. It is most often found in girls in their early teens. But boys can have it, too.

Conditions and illnesses

Having scoliosis means that your spine (backbone) curves and twist from side to side instead of growing straight. This can be treated.
